Best Brunch Places with the Studentfy Discount

In this guide we are showing you all the beautiful brunch places where you can get discount by showing your Studentfy membership card.

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Eat My Trip Brunch & Bakery Barcelona

Get 10% discount by showing your Studentfy card.

EatMyTrip is a brunch cafè serving the best breakfast and brunch with fresh, organic and high quality ingredients! Here you’ll find brunch classics like avocado toast and eggs benedict as well as vegetarian and gluten‑free options.

Our personal favorite dish is “Brunch from Alps” probably you can find prettier dishes for Instagram on the menu, but this this tastes like heaven!

Alsúr Café & Backdoor

Get 10% discount by showing your Studentfy card.

Alsur Cafè is one of the most popular and well‑known cafés in Barcelona, known for its super tasty sweets, décor, brunches and vibe. It is popular among the locals as well as international students where they can sit back, relax and study.

Personal favorites are “Choco‑Banana Kaiser Pancake” and “Salmon egg benedict with bagel”.

The Benedict Barcelona

Get 15% discount and a free mimosa cocktail by showing your Studentfy card. If you want to drink your mimosa with your food, show your card to the waiter right in the beginning.

The Benedict Barcelona is where you find fluffy pancakes, and tasty English breakfasts. Located near Barceloneta, it’s the perfect spot for spending the weekend brunch before going to the beach.


Get 15% discount and a free mimosa cocktail by showing your Studentfy card. If you want to drink your mimosa with your food, show your card to the waiter right in the beginning.

Belliny is a cozy place, full of charm with vintage tropical decoration located in the heart of Barcelona on Gran Vía street. One of the best brunch in town, where the Benedict eggs are a must, but its 30+ dishes will take your breath away.

If you have been to any of these brunch places, let us know about your experience in the comment below.

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